Added on Sep 17, 2010
Length: 01:25 | Comments: 0
Let's have a conversation for a bit. Someone just complained to me that he/she is unsubscribing because of these stupid videos (like I'd care about someone bitching, anyway). Let's get this clear. I've been recording and uploading piano videos on YouTube since time immemorial. I like the hobby of arranging songs and showing them to people with similar interests. BUT IT'S NOT THE ONLY HOBBY I HAVE. I also enjoy pitch bending ever since I registered on (it also takes a lot of creativity depending on the content that you're working with, and not to mention it's time consuming). I'm thinking that a lot of you subscribed to my channel to see my hobbies. And if you're only for the piano videos, that's fine too. It's all good. But please keep in mind that playing the piano isn't just my only hobby and I might upload other types of videos in the future (like billiard videos if my parents buy me a pool table). Sorry for the rant. I just want to keep an understanding between me and my subscribers. For the piano people: I'm planning on arranging Colors from Code Geass. And some other things I forgot that I'm practicing and supposed to upload.
Channels: Hobbies & Interests