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Answers For Yeh


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 09:45 | Comments: 0

i have no idea about that flashing multicolored box at the bottom. it's very odd. peniswizard39 - are you a christian or an atheist animechic25 - How old were you when you realized you were gay and have you ever been with a girl? Ryuchan22 - If u cud meet 5 of ur any of ur cyber neighbors (ie subs, youtube friends etc.) who wud u go meet? LilRayRay8907 - What would be your dream job? No qestions asked, no education required...? What would be your dream job? No qestions asked, no education required...? CRYPTOCRYPTO2009 - What hobbies / interests are you into? [apologies if you've already run through this in an earlier video] deepblue301 - if you could live the life of anyone(actor/actress/singer/ friend / famous historical figure etc ) for a day who would it be, and why that person. AndreHasDied - 1. most embarrassing moment? 2. whats the longest time you spent on a video game? 3. most dissapointing moment? 4. most annoying day ever? CalfCreek4x12x08 - what ever happened to that story? i want to read more! what are your fears? XxPinkxTinkxX007 - What's your favourite candy? And favourite Actor/actress? XconfusedXsoulX - Q1: FAVORITE COLOR?, Q2: favorite book ever read?, Q3: Favorite sport to do and/or watch?, Q4: Favorite vlogger?, Q5: if u had a son and daughter what would their names be?, Q6: Whos inspired you the most throughout your life?, Q7: Do you read all your comments? Q8: Are there any religious/cultural beliefs you think are just plain wrong? Q9: Whats your ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  stuff 


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