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Chatting With the ChivaGirls - Monique


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:17 | Comments: 0

New Chatting with the ChivaGirls series Get to know your favorite ChivaGirls from a different perspective. Today, cdchivasusa.com starts a new weekly series called Chatting with the ChivaGirls that will feature a different ChivaGirl each week. Find out their interests, hobbies, favorite celebrities and much more. This week, we meet second-year ChivaGirl Monique, who reveals her dream job, her favorite celebrity, and the secret behind her intense dance moves. Nueva serie de Chatting with ChivaGirls Conozca a su ChivaGirl favorita desde una perspectiva diferente. Hoy, cdchivasusa.com comienza una nueva serie llamada Chatting with the ChivaGirls la cual presentará a su ChivaGirl favorita cada semana. Conozca los intereses, sus pasatiempos, artistas favoritos y mucho más. Esta semana conozca a Monique, una ChivaGirl en su segundo año, que nos hablará de su actor favorito y hasta de su paso predilecto de baile.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Sports  Dance  Move  Cheeleaders  Weather  Girl  chivagirls  Monique  series  Chatting  Bannk  Goofy  Chivas  USA 


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