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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:24 | Comments: 0

I make totally cool videos. I never spell words wrong. This is a totally useful account that makes great and entertaining videos. I AM NOT USELESS!!! I am actually 5. The truth is my older bro is not typing all of this up. I am. I am ordering Wrestlemania! I am a huge Umaga fan. I hate Jamal from Three Minute Warning. I also like Jimmy Wang Yang. I hate Akio. Yes I also like Rey Mysterio Jr. and I hate Rey Mysterio. I AM USELESS! NO I'M NOT USELESS!!! Name: Joshua Age: 20 I am one of those idiots who likes to make a ten mile long description page. I am in love with Trish Stratus. I am a real man and I'm a bull with them in the bed. Heck, I also like maccaroni and cheese. I am 5. I AM NOT USELESS! So, with that being said, I live in Tajikastan. No, I seriously live there. I'm not even kidding. Don't beleive it? Well, I'm Koco Koco Koco!!! Den ne ne ne ne, den en ne ne ne. Oh yeah. What else do AI have to say? Oh yeah, I am a kindergarten genius. I am the next Albert Einstein. I AM NOT USELESS!!! I march to the beat of my own drum. I toot my own horn. I have my own agenda! I fart alot too! I AM NOT USELESS!!! Country: Tajikistan Occupation: Being Annoying Companies: Annoying Co. Interests and Hobbies: I love tv. I love it, I love it, I love it. But the one thing I really hate is tv. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I AM NOT USELESS. (Well maybe a little) BUT I AM NOT USELESS!!! Now I may be a dummy, but there is one thing I am not, and that is a dummy. I am a Patriots and ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Tech  animation  parody  video  blog  short  film  series  murder 


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