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Accepting One Another


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 07:38 | Comments: 0

I believe that far too often others don't accept one another merely because of religious viewpoints. I find this to be so sad because each individual is made up of so much more than just what their religion is, they each have their own hobbies, interests, etc. Their religion or lack thereof isn't what defines what they are as individuals. What defines a person is how they treat others, their interests, and hobbies and things like that as well. We should all try to connect with each other as human beings first and foremost without trying to feel that we have to change one another or shove of views down people's throats. Be more accepting of one another and be more tolerant of others regardless of what religion they hold to. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thewoodsofjordan Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/TheWoodsofJordan/137995666235165?ref=ts Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/woodsofjordan

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