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Another Great YouTuber imperceptibleme


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 03:26 | Comments: 0

This weeks youtuber too check out is imperceptibleme http://www.youtube.com/imperceptibleme Sorry I did not get this on Friday has been a long and weird week. Thanks for watching And please go check Mellisa Channel out and Subscribe to her if you like. Thanks again :O) What it says on Mellisa Channel Joined: March 09, 2008 Videos Watched: 15,837 Subscribers: 218 Channel Views: 6,067 Name: Melissa Age: 52 ** I do not 'Friend' people I do not know. If you want me to be your friend, subscribe, so I can get to know you. Thanks! ** I am a coal miner's grand-daughter, daughter, and wife. Coal dust is in my blood and it always will be. I'm proud of my heritage. It takes a special breed of people to dig coal, they must be brave and strong and don't mind getting a little dirty. And a coal miner's family must be the same. My son is the first person in our family to get a college education and I'm glad he isn't in the mines. I'm so proud of him. I live a plain and simple lifestyle and would not have it any other way. I love where I live and plan to stay here until I die. City: Up in the Holler! Country: United States Occupation: I'm a domestic goddess. *wink* Interests and Hobbies: I enjoy quilting and needle work. I don't do it so much anymore because I have developed carpel tunnel and I can only hold a needle for about 10 minutes at a time. I used to be a voracious reader but again, I seem to have stopped doing that- I believe the fault is my computers..... and You Tube! Movies and Shows: I love adventure and sci-fi movies. I'm not too big on gushy romance movies but I do watch occasionally and they always make me cry. I love the TV shows- LOST, Star-gate Atlantis, Smallville, and Antiques Roadshow. I am a news hound and my TV is almost always turned on to one of the cable news channels. Sad I know. Music: I love most types of music but my favorites are rock bands of the 60's and 70's- some of the best music ever. I guess you love what you grew up with. I also love Bon Jovi, country and classical too! Books: Like I said I loved to read and some of my favorite authors are Patricia Cornwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Anne McCaffrey, Nora Roberts, Asimov, Margaret Weis, and so many more. I'm a hard core sci-fi and fantasy fan so any book written in that genre is right up my alley.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  imperceptibleme  Another  Great  youtuber 


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