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Coaxed Into It A Jemi Love Story ep55 S4 SERIES FINALE


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:25 | Comments: 0

YEP This is the LAST and FINAL episode...so sad. I'm soo going to miss this series. I'll post Something Nothing Anything RIGHT AFTER [or kinda] I get 5 comments. Then, STRAITJACKET FEELING Sorry for not posting that in a "long" time. Whatever.. It's You And Me SCENE Joe and Demi's 14th anniversary, they're in Hawaii on the beach. Joe: Don't cut your foot, that would be dejavu. Demi: And don't get me pregnant, that's a major dejavu. [laughs] Joe: [laughs] [sits down] I love you. Demi: [smiles] I love you too. Joe: We say that a lot. Demi: Well it's true. Joe: I know. Demi: Wanna go swimming? Joe: Sure. [grabs her hand] [they run into the water] Demi: It's cold..[shivers] Joe: I know..[swims towards her] [hugs her] Warm? Demi: No. Joe: [kisses her neck] Warm? Demi: [laughs] Yeah Joe, I'm burning up. Joe: I know you are but what am I? Demi: Sweet, nice, and talented. Oh, and perfect. Joe: Nobody can be perfect, Demi. Demi: Well, no one can be perfect in everyone's eyes, right? But that doesn't mean someone can't look perfect in an individual's eyes. Joe: In that case, you're the most perfect, amazing girl in the universe. No one can take your place, and no one can come close to it. It's like you won the Indy 500 a million years before all of the other girls in the world. They'll never be as perfect as you. Demi: [blushes] You're weird.. Joe: Indy 500, baby. [doesn't realize he's still hugging her] How would you explain me? Demi: Perfect. Perfect personality, hair, eyes ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Music  JEMI  LOVE  STORY 


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