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WLS - Secret Santa 2008


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 05:12 | Comments: 0

Your entries into the Secret Santa are due by Sunday, November 30, 2008!!! Answer the following questions in either a video or text response: 1. Name 2. Surgery Date 3. Type of surgery 4. Favorite color 5. Favorite scent 6. Favorite flavor 7. Hobbies, interests 8. Anything else to help us get to know you (favorite music, movies, etc.) DON'T FORGET to send me either a private YouTube message or an email (meATmystilllifeDOTcom) with your contact information!! I'll send out messages on Monday, December 1, 2008 to let you know who your match is! Secret Santas will be revealed January 1, 2009!!

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  mystilllife  WLS  secret  santa  december  holiday  christmas  festivities  fun 


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