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Dream Catch Me - Chapter 66


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 03:59 | Comments: 0

Chapter 66 ----- Kevin's POV The look on her face when she opened her eyes was priceless. If it wouldn't have ruined the moment I totally would have pulled out my iPhone and have taken a picture. I can tell she is totally in shock right now. "Kevin.. I.. Uh.. I mean WOW!" I feel a smile creep onto my face as she fumbles for words. I guess she likes it. Just as I'm about to usher her to sit down at the candle-lit table on the beach like the perfect gentleman she turns around and the next thing I know she is in my arms. Before I have a chance to recover from my shock and hug back she has left my arms and run over to the table. "This is the most thoughtful, romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me!" Johanna announces excitedly as she picks up and smells the single red rose that was lying on her plate. "Well its what you deserve, dream girl," I say walking up to her and pulling out her chair. She blushes ever so slightly as she takes a seat. It is so cute. "This must have been so difficult to arrange," Johanna states as I sit down. "It's no trouble at all," I reply nonchalantly. "Oh right. For a minute there I forgot you were Mr. Rock Star," she says smiling. God I love that smile! "Well that's a good thing. Tonight I'm not Kevin Jonas, rock star. Tonight I'm just Kevin, the guy who is crazy about you." Gosh that was cheesy. Way to go Kev... "Well it's nice to meet you Kevin," Johanna remarks smartly as she offers her hand. I smile and take her hand. "The pleasure is ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  JB  Jonas  Brothers  Kevin  Joe  Nick  adventurous18  Dream  Catch  Me 


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