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SuperPhillips Favorite VGMs Volume 150 - The Dream Oath p1


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 09:7 | Comments: 0

Wow. 150 videos dedicated to my favorite video game themes from the beginning of the industry to the present already! I have to admit-- gaming is my foremost hobby and I love it like nothing else. Music, music composition, and writing are probably my runners-up, so why not combine my hobbies into something I can share with the rest of the world with my limited budget and limited technology? That's what I set out to do with my Youtube series of videos inspired by the very nice SupraDarky-- to combine my love for video games with my love for their soundtracks meshed with my insight and comments. I really hope you have been enjoying my videos. I really don't mind not having an exorbitant amount of hits. As long as I can share my interests with at least a few people from around the country and around the world, I'm pleased! Now, onto Volume 150! This is a very special entry to my list as it takes three parts to finish. Yep, for the first time, you'll need to click on two other videos to receive the full piece. This piece comes from a series of five orchestral concerts held in Tokyo, Japan from 1991 to 1996, particularly Orchestral Game Concert 4 in 1994. This event was conducted by a wide range of composers and industry personnel including Kohei Tanaka, Nobuo Kurita, Kousuke Onozaki, Keiichi Oku, Koichi Sugiyama, Yoko Kanno (my favorite composer period), and Toshiyuki Watanabe. This piece is a fully-realized orchestrated version of the opera scene from one of my favorite RPGs ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Music  superphillip  favorite  vgms  volume  150  final  fantasy  vi  orchestral  game  concert  1994  opera  scene  love  oath  maria  draco 


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