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Jared Ozz introduction and Al Khan part 12


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 09:55 | Comments: 0

Jared Ozz tries to make an introduction video but Al Khan the CEO of 4Kids entertainment wants to edit Jared's video because he feels the material is to inappropriate for kids. Will Al Khan ruin Jared Ozz's video, or will Jared Ozz stop Al Khan and defeat him before he finishes editing his video? List of things in the video Title screen 0:00-0:14 Jared Ozz's hobbies/interests/edited facial hair: 0:15-3:37 Al Khan appears: 3:37-3:46 Jared's fitness hobby: 3:46-5:54 Edited T-shirt: 5:54-6:6:25 Al Khan 2: 6:25-6:36 Jared argues at AL: 6:36-6:48 Al Khan 3: 6:48-6:53 Jared talks more on his movies: 6:48-8:08 Al khan makes Jared Black and white: 8:08 Jared & Capt Kirk yell at Al Khan: 8:08-8:35 Al Khan 4: 8:35-8:44 Jared argues at Al again: 8:44-9:06 Al Khan: inverts Jared Ozz: 9:06-9:21 Jared recovers with messed up hair: 9:21 Jared bitches at Al: 9:21-9:55 I may make a condensed version of my intro, and where I battle Al Khan probably.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Comedy  Jared  Ozz  Al  Khan  4Kids  Captain  kirk 


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