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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 02:27 | Comments: 0

DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 26TH hey plz audition! this collab channel is going ot be a lot of fun! tell us: 1. name 2. age 3. editor you use 4. camera 5. why you want to be in this collab 6. why you should be in this collab 7. days you cana nd cant be 8. hobbies/interests 9. fun facts 10. vlogging skills 11. 15 sec. music video 12. must be a subscriber 13. post it below or we won't see it!

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  xoxosisters4eva  collab4sisters  collab  auditions  open 


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