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Blowing Rock NC Theater Thanking Jerry Burns Mark Wilson 1993 - A Curtain Speech Cautionary S8P4


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 04:45 | Comments: 0

For Blowing Rock Theater Founder and Producing Director Mark Wilson, thanking Jerry Burns was another tradition in the historic wheel thus set revolving, circa 1986. Mark gave over 300 speeches, most of them in front of the stage to the show audiences. New Yorkers joked: "You're the thanking-est producer ever!" Jerry and Mark had common interests before they soldiered the theatre alliance. Jerry was a Gemini like Mark. He liked his gardens and his cat, like Mark. He liked model trains and he didn't have children either, like Mark. He had always a half dozen pursuits from scouting to photos to volunteer firefighting. You never knew in what uniform he'd turn up. Jerry's main role was Editor of the small town good news newspaper, but once Mark brought him the Stage Company, he'd found his ultimate interest. Circus to the maximus. Jerry loved Mark's creation more than any of his other hobbies or pet projects. He and his wife Janice adopted it as God-Parents, and it was a good role to have. As #1 Volunteer, Editor Jerry enjoyed the quintessential good cop/bad cop partnership by scooping bouquets as Producer Mark implemented vision, strategy and management. Producers know this trade secret: They have one good day they can do no wrong, and that's the day they hire the talent. After that, they can do no right and they know nothing about the business, according to the talent they hired. Other things you learn in show business: It IS a business, it is ALL for show, and you are ...

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