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Re NYAF Apple Kissa Maid Café 2010 Video


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 04:0 | Comments: 0

Konnichiwa youtubers! Watashi no namae wa Alexandria C. desu and this is my super duper nerdy application for the 2010 NYAF Apple Kissa Meido Café Maid position! I really worked hard on this, I learned a video editing program just for this application because being a cosplay maid has always been a dream of mine! It shows what a fast learner I am, ha! Sorry if there are some sentences lost in the transitions, I wanted to use my 4mins the best I could! I have more hobbies and interests I did not get to mention due to time constrictions but I also doodle, not all awesome and anime like some of you guys but more little monsters-ish I also do origami, I can make all those cute stars and cranes. I love watching Japanese Cinema (Neu-wave and classic!). I'm also an avid collector, I collect toys, plush, lucky cats, cool looking flyers (Im a weirdo), graphic tees, cat toys, earrings and make-up because I can be such a girl sometimes! I'm really dorky, outgoing, a nerd, I love to play dress up, I'm a photo whore (both taking pictures and being photographed) and I'm a cat! Nyan! If you want to get to know more about me, check out some of my websites! Do you play Pupee Girl?: pupe.ameba.jp Wanna see my old Cosplay: www.cosplay.com Get to know my life through my 365 Photo-a-day-Blog: lizardchafoto.tumblr.com Wanna ask me a question? It can be random: formspring.me Arigatou Gozaimasu!!! Arigatou to Mama-san and all the maids and butlers for responding to my nerdy comments on FB! Please ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  Yum  yummy  rosario  vampire  Azumanga  Daioh  toradora  anime  cosplay  maid  cafe  2010  NYAF  NYAFF  Japan  Society  audition  caramel  dancing  chatmonchy  kaera  kimura  kaela  banzai  kusumi  koharu  hana  wo  pun  new  york  festival  nerd  otaku  brown  egg  te 


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