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Hey Hollywood


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:4 | Comments: 0

I am a 26 year old filmmaker with a bachelor of arts in film studies with a heavy influence on film production. I have worked on two television shows as a production assistant, and have made countless shorts such as this. I've even managed to direct and write a 20 minute feature that was my senior project in college. It went on to film festivals and was final selection at the ACEFEST in NYC 2009. Why did I make this video? Because I have talent that I believe Hollywood could benefit from. If you're willing to make the deal, the don will appreciate it and you'll be making dough before ya know it, capice? Here are a few links of mine to check out: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3119241/ - yes, I have an IMDB http://www.ubstudios.com - my website, which also has some of my other hobbies and interests on there.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  hollywood  famous  actor  actress  studios  production  filmmaking  shoutout  los  angeles  california  justin  wolffing  twitter  facebook  imdb 


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