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Mark Chow


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 01:49 | Comments: 0

Mark Chow, a self made Entrepreneur, owner of mcmodels agency and a talented Producer. Name: Mark Chow Age: 28 A Sagittarian sheep Soul Number: 3 Country: Singapore Occupation: businessman Companies: mcmodels, SPI, Ghostbuster, Interests and Hobbies: fashion, beauty, models, fengshui, Art, movie, KTV Films and Shows: Catch me if you can, 6 sense, Beautiful mind, The beach. Music: Dance, trance Books: rich dad, poor dad Website: www.markchowmodels.com.sg Description A restless wanderer is a person who is full of ambitions and creativity, very temperamental and Never seem to get enough rest! His reading, "A romantic and an optimist at heart, with a great appreciation for life and all of its pleasures and an eye for beauty. Gifts are imagination, inspiration and the ability to dream and to create." "Natural generosity, bigheartedness, and good humor win many friends. Have an inner joy and buoyancy which enables you to encourage and bring hope to others. Seem to attract more than your share of the good things in life; comfort and ease come naturally to you." Testimonial from friends, "A very sociable professional who enjoys being with creative, playful and spontaneous people. He has a great appeal for theater, dance, music, and other expressive arts." We'll now bring you into his life's journey, works, models and spiritual related things.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: News  mark  chow  models  entrepreneur 


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