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Wild Michael Jackson Appeared


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Added on Sep 9, 2010

Length: 02:3 | Comments: 0

A pokemon trainer comes across a wild Michael Jackson and faces him in battle. See how it turns out! I made this entirely with GIF animation. ------------------------------ RIP Michael Jackson I realize Jackson has died since I've made this video, and I respected him greatly as a musician. That's the entire reason I made this animation-to honor his awesome skills in a fun pokemon battle. Although you may find the ending in poor taste, I do not actually believe it happened, but it's part of pop culture now and subject to satire. DISCLAIMER: This is not a hack, it's a video. I made this using photoshop and animating it frame by frame, to make a series of .gifs, which I put together with music in Windows Movie Maker. Do not comment asking me how to find or catch Michael Jackson in your own game. It cannot be done.

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: Entertainment 


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