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World Of Warcraft Dancing


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Added on Sep 9, 2010

Length: 03:22 | Comments: 0

A sequence of Warcraft characters dancing with the original source that the animation was taken from. Im trying to get enough clips for the 2nd part. if anybody can point out where other dances are from, it would be very helpful. Thankyou Please also be aware that some of the animations were created from imagination and dont actually have a reference. I really need some help finding something for the gnomes. I need a music video or something with freak dancing/grinding in it like that which the gnomes do. Thanks All clips can be found on You-tube. For those that are interested, the blood elf video has been taken down and no longer exists. List of Clips: 1: Saturday Night Fever (The music used in 'Saturday Night Fever' is BeeGees- You Should be Dancing.) 2: MC Hammer- Cant Touch This 3: Chubby Checker- The Twist 4: Alizee- J'en Ai Marre 5: Napoleon Dynamite (The music used in 'Napoleon Dynamite' is Jamiroquai- Canned Heat.) 6: Daler Mehndi- Tunak Tunak Tun 7: Chris Farley Chippendales sketch (The music used in this sketch is Loverboy- Working for the weekend.) 8: Britney Spears- Toxic (dance routine) 9: Michigan J. Frog 10:Riverdance 11:Michael Jackson: Billie Jean 12: Peanut Butter Jelly Time (The music used in Peanut Butter Jelly Time has the same title by the Buckwheat Boyz) Thanks to all those who I took screen grabs from.

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: Entertainment  Wow  World  of  Warcraft  dancing  dance 


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