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Harry Potter 6 Half-Blood Prince trailer exelent


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Added on Sep 9, 2010

Length: 02:6 | Comments: 0

Song: Steve Jablonsky - Mass Winnings This is only a FAN MADE :D " Is now in the Web the oficial trailer of HP6, please tag in Youtube: Oficial Trailer Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince " I used clips of: Montecristo Harry Potter 4, 3 and 1 *Harry Potter 6 trailer* Escene: ¡Lavander and Ron!, Hermione cry, Harry and Ginny, sectusempra, Dumbledore etc... Half-Blood Prince Trailer Harry Potter y el misterio del principe En español (ya que no se mucho ingles) Es uno de los mejores traiers que he hecho, trate de hacer buenos "efectos" (un civil con tan solo movie macker no puede hacer mucho :( ). Pero la cancion y todo eso esta bueno (Sountrack de the island) tnks to: biboz.net www.harrypotter6trailer.com #21 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Mexico #1 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Film & Animation - Mexico #25 - Most Responded (This Week) - Film & Animation - Mexico #56 - Most Responded (This Month) - Mexico #13 - Most Responded (This Month) - Film & Animation - Mexico #61 - Most Responded (All Time) - Mexico #15 - Most Responded (All Time) - Film & Animation - Mexico #32 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Mexico #3 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Film & Animation - Mexico #8 - Top Favorites (All Time) - Film & Animation - Mexico #14 - Top Rated (All Time) - Film & Animation - Mexico

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: Film  Harry  Potter  HalfBlood  Prince  HBP  trailer  el  misterio  del  principe 


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