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Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Animation - Everything You Need To Know - Dr Nabil Ebraheim MD


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Added on Sep 9, 2010

Length: 06:6 | Comments: 0

Sacroiliac joint pain and dysfunction can be confused with other conditions that arises from the spine and the hip. Not only can these conditions be overlapped, but they can be associated. Diagnostic injection is the only method to diagnose this condition. Treatment includes physiotherapy, chiropractic manipulation, yoga and injections. Injection can be steroids, prolotherapy and PRP. RFA could be helpful. Surgery is the last resort.

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: Education  SI  JOINT  VIDEO  sacroiliac  pain  trochanteric  bursitis  piriformis  syndrome  myofascial  lumbosacral  disc  herniation  bulge  facet  lumbar  radiculopathy  cluneal  leg  ligaments  muscle  nerves  sciatic  back  buttock  thigh  knee  groin  faber  finger  straight  test 


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