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Ronald Jenkees - Guitar Sound


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Added on Sep 1, 2010

Length: 07:1 | Comments: 0

From the album "Disorganized Fun" Buy the music here: www.ronaldjenkees.com www.ronaldjenkees.com ---------- A Quote from Ronald Jenkees: If someone has no way of paying for my music, or if it's'against their religion' to pay for anything digital (LOL), whatever the reason, I'd personally rather those people be able to enjoy my music rather than to not hear it at all. I'm not going to give a tutorial on how to download torrents of my album (google it, it's simple stuff) but I'm also not going to hate on anyone that downloads my music or shares it with a friend. That said, I still think it's important to support the stuff you like whether that's software, music, whatever... I hope that everyone will keep it in mind that Im an independent artist. I make most of my music from scratch and I'm not signed to any record label." In my opinion this is inspiring and because of that quote alone I believe you should support this artist if you can. ---------- Related Links: www.ronaldjenkees.com en.wikipedia.org www.last.fm www.youtube.com

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Music  instrumental  keyboard  hip  hop  trip  break  beat  ambient  ambience  funk  soul  electronica  music  song  audibleaudioart 


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