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Avatar - Rockstar REDONE


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Added on Sep 1, 2010

Length: 04:26 | Comments: 0

OMG, it's up!!! I was beginning to think it would never happen. Watch in HQ please. First I need to thank periwinklerocks95 and EnzoLieksMudkipz for telling me to dispute the copyright and LordofDoom5432 for making and posting a tutorial. Without these people you wouldn't be able to see this video right now. Here is a link to the tutorial for anyone else who would like to give it try for their videos. I can't promise anything, but it has worked for me so far. I don't know if this will stay up, it may be taken down again later. www.youtube.com So, yes, this is the video I've spent the better part of the last year working on. It's the remake of my first amv, "Avatar - Rockstar", which looked nothing like this. This is kind of like "Avatar - Rockstar II". I was so tired after finishing this that I couldn't face making credits; but I assume you all know the song and the show anyway, or at least you should. ;) The idea to put characters singing on the side of the screen was inspired by the new (they were new when I started this project) elongated screens on YouTube. I wanted to utilize that space as much as possible. I also wanted a way of having lip-syncing and clips matching lyrics at the same time. Hopefully it's not too much to watch at once. I didn't lip-sync the chorus. If I had you'd be waiting for this video until 2010. The clips are DVD rips from sweetangel1927's site: www.sweetangel1927.tk One last thing: the best endings are CABBAGE SMASHING ENDINGS!! BOOYAH!! Enjoy. :)

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Film  Avatar  Rockstar  lip  sync  koh  gaang  cabbage  man  yue  sokka  aang  toph 


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