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Go Open Source or Go Home


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Added on Sep 1, 2010

Length: 04:55 | Comments: 0

www.twitter.com You don't have to be a geek to want to save your money and download programs for free. Here are 5 of my quick picks for open source software. My site - www.nixiepixel.com You may be wondering; What is Open Source? Open source generally refers to software that is released with open source code and no restrictions on downloading, modifying or advertising the work. An open source program usually starts when developers publish their code where other developers can learn about it, download it, and play with it. Where do you come in? You can reap all the benefits of course by using the application for no cost to you. Here is where you can download the programs mentioned in the video (in order) Firefox: www.mozilla.com OpenOffice: www.openoffice.org GIMP: www.gimp.org Pidgin: www.pidgin.im Video Editing Software: KDenLive: www.kdenlive.org (for Linux) Avidemux: fixounet.free.fr (for Windows) Thanks and hope you enjoyed! Music: "Blondie" by Speedsound www.jamendo.com (used with CCL 3.0)

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Tech  free  software  downloads  open  source  geek  linux  editing  photo  editor  application  opensource  sourcecode  openoffice  office 


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