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【Piano Arrangement】 Servant of Evil 悪ノ召使 【mothy_悪ノP】


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Added on Sep 1, 2010

Length: 05:31 | Comments: 1

UPDATE #2: Damn guys, 60000+ views? xD; Awesomesauce lol. An update regarding the tutorial: I'm still willing to do it, but I don't seem to have the time for it right now. There's several things I have to do, none the least of which include schoolwork, ugh. I also never finished learning the song, so I want to be sure that I know how to play it before showing anymore. === This is not me playing. It is a re-print only. You can find the piano sheet music for this song posted at my (old) blog here: blog.sanriotown.com Click on an image to view it's full size before saving to your computer. I would also like to thank HikariXSato0764 for lending me the link to DL the sheet music. ^_^ / == I'm pretty sure that "pon" is the name that the person who did this piano cover goes by... The song is "Servant of Evil", or "aku no meshitsukai" in Japanese. The composer is mothy, who also goes by the name of akunoP. Servant of Evil was the first Len song to reach a million views on Nico. Just a fun fact for ya xD; (ニコニコ動画からです。) NicoNicoDouga link: www.nicovideo.jp MP3 download link: nicosound.anyap.info Press "パソコンへ転送" for the download to begin. (It'll be a blue color.) Can't read Japanese characters? No problem. Refer to this link to see where the DL button is: img504.imageshack.us Original title on NicoNico: 【楽譜うp】【ピアノアレンジ】悪の召使を弾いてみた【Ver.ぽん】

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Entertainment  kagamine  len  ren  piano  arrangement  cover  arrange  instrument  vocaloid  aku  no  meshitsukai  servant  of  evil  mothyp  akup  daughter  musume  mothy  sheet  music  pon  Ente 


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