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Lifehouse - From Where You Are


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Added on Aug 31, 2010

Length: 03:16 | Comments: 0

HQ Sound here: www.youtube.com If you want to learn how to play this song on the guitar, check out my tutorial: www.youtube.com Note that my guitar is tuned down half a step from the original recording, this is how Lifehouse plays this song live. the backstory to "From Where You Are": performed by Jason Wade, a member of a band named Lifehouse. Mr. Wade was inspired to write the song by the death of a 16-year-old friend in an auto accident. The commercial dramatizes the issue by showing a highway crowded with cars - filled with teenage passengers - that suddenly disappear. "Every year, nearly 6000 teenagers go for a drive and never come back," says the actor Dennis Haysbert, the Allstate spokesman. He asks the parents watching the spot to "start the conversation" with their teenage children about driving safely. For more information on Lifehouse and Jason Wade's music, visit www.lifehousemusic.com For more information about Teen Safe Driving, visit www.allstate.com/teen

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Music 


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