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Bellas Lullaby Piano Cover by Jam Valera


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Added on Aug 31, 2010

Length: 02:19 | Comments: 0

*** I DO NOT HAVE THE MUSIC SHEETS! I WILL NOT MAKE A TUTORIAL! PLEASE STOP ASKING! *** And stop thinking that I'm mean! I'm a really nice guy. Don't judge me based on a description about a song. I am the one playing in this video. And thanks for saying I have beautiful hands. Follow me on twitter! twitter.com/chrisubando Upon request, here's my rendition of "Bella's Lullaby" from Twilight. I played the orchestra's intro in this as well. ********FAQ********** Q: Will you please make a tutorial? A: No. I will NOT make a tutorial. Why? I'm a terrible teacher. Considering I can't read notes and don't even know which notes I'm playing, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to teach. I wouldn't know what to say either. All you will hear is me saying "Umm, play this... like that... and then play that..." You will never learn. Plus, there are tons of chums out there who think they are good enough to "teach" this song anyway so check their videos out. Q: Do you have the music sheets? Because I want them! A: No. I do NOT have the music sheets. As you can see in the video there are no sheets to be seen. I only learned this by ear. Please, STOP ASKING! Q: Can you write the notes out for me? A: No. I can't write the notes because I can't read notes in the first place. Again, I learned this by ear. Q: How long did it take you to learn this? A: It only took me 1 day. I'm not bragging but it's a really easy piece to learn and anyone can play it. I mean, look at all of the covers of this ...

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Music  bellas  lullaby  twilight  edward  cullen  Bellas  Burwell  Carter  exclusive  full  Lullaby  new  Official  song  teaser  trailer 


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