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SLEEPING BEAUTY Disney Princess Makeup Tutorial


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Added on Aug 31, 2010

Length: 11:17 | Comments: 0

www.xsparkage.com (check the blog for photos of this look) (sorry that the quality of this seems kind of blurry.. im trying to figure out sony vegas and its not being my friend at the moment) FINALLY! sorry for the wait Mehron pallet: sillyfarm.com I used the Pastel Pallet Cuberry www.cuberry.com I used Pink bikini and Secret Garden ***They have a starter kit available right now that includes pink bikini, secret garden, and Infusion, all for ONLY $8.83!!! GO HERE NOW!!!! http Pur Minerals www.purminerals.com Used pink zircon, vanilla feldspar, spiced mica, and marble powder in pink also used mac's coffee eyeliner, smashbox bionic mascara next up! my favorite princess you know you know!

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Howto  xsparkage  disney  princess  sleeping  beauty  aurora  make  up  tutorial  natural  false  lashes 


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