Added on Aug 31, 2010
Length: 04:31 | Comments: 0
Ryan Doyle returns to the crazy park to shoot a roll tutorial video for beginners of freerunning parkour martial arts and street acrobatics, he talk about the importance of basics and the efficiency of the pk or shoulder roll. this is the traditional korean martial arts way to roll, it is a break fall. remember this is only 1 of many wany ways to learn, but you cant really argue with 5000 years worth of proof other wfpf members are daniel ilabaca, ben jenx, tim livewire, king david, phil doyle, micheal turner, brian orosco, daniel arroyo, pip anderson parkour tutorial
Channels: Education & Instructional
Tags: Howto ryan doyle roll tutorial pk parkour freerunning crazy park wfpf liverpool mtv redbull martial arts break fall learn beginners howto how