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James Bond Blood Stone Trailer


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Added on Aug 30, 2010

Length: 01:32 | Comments: 0

With the recent resurgence of news stories citing the formal cancellation of "Bond 23" (the next James Bond film, where Daniel Craig would be working with director Sam Mendes), Activision finds itself in a peculiar spot of timing with James Bond 007: Blood Stone. There's no movie to tie-in with, so this is basically the only, "new James Bond experience" for 2010 -- here's hoping that we get something closer to EA's excellent Everything Or Nothing rather than the lackluster Quantum of Solace. Now that Blood Stone has been formally announced this morning, we shot some questions over to producer Nick Davies over at developer Bizarre Creations. 1UP: Because of stuff like the HMV retail leak a while back, there's a lot of confusion about Blood Stone. Is it a driving game with a Bond skin, or is it a mash-up of The Club with PGR, or what. So can you clarify, once and for all, what Blood Stone actually is? Nick Davies: Blood Stone is an original James Bond action-adventure game starring Daniel Craig, with a new original story written by Bond writer Bruce Feirstein [GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World Is Not Enough]. I can understand the confusion to some extent based on a few leaks, however this is the first time we've really had a chance to talk about the game so I hope we can clear all that up from today.

Channels: Trailers  

Tags: Games  James  Bond  Blood  Stone  Trailer  cosolas  2010  e3  gameppaly  games 


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