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Undo It Pudding


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Added on Aug 27, 2010

Length: 03:55 | Comments: 0

MUAHAHAHA finally a video that bashes Yuebin!! I'm shocked that no one's done one of these yet. (Or at least I haven't found one.) Okay, so there's a little bit of a story in this. Right around 2:15, it shows Taruto and Pudding. This is when Taruto and Pudding first meet and Pudding realizes that Taruto is someone who will be there for her, unlike Yuebin. So then Yuebin sees the two of them together and opposes it because Taruto is the enemy. So Taruto fights back, gets beaten up and almost killed, then he gets flashbacks of all the good times he had with Pudding so he gets back up and defeats Yuebin. Then Pudding and Taruto can be together forever!!!! I had some unintentional lipsynching in this vid. ^-^ I know it's not very good cause I've got a cruddy program (Windows Movie Maker :'( ) But I tried my hardest. I'm working on another video with this love triangle--again Taruto wins. ^-^ Song: Undo It Artist: Carrie Underwood Anime: Tokyo Mew Mew By: Mia Ikumi and Reiko Yoshida Love Triangle: YuebinXPuddingXTaruto Program: Windows Movie Maker YAY FOR PUDDING AND TARUTO!!!!

Channels: Fights  

Tags: Film  pudding  taruto  yuebin  love  triangle  undo  it  carrie  underwood 


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