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Ong Bak 3 - English Subs 3 6


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Added on Aug 27, 2010

Length: 14:51 | Comments: 0

Makers take "The Crow" premise, add some crappy special effects and a next to impossible story line(...yes even after having seen part 2 of Ong Bak,)and mashes it into a big fat fail of epic martial arts portions. This from a person who watches b-grade movies, and any movie that has to do with martial arts. If Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever wanted to start over this would be first to show case. Fights were good when in the movie, but not worth the time. The legend of Ong Bak 3 begins with Tien captured and tortured. Tien is brought back to health with the help from some Monk dude and villagers. He learns how to meditate and from there gets epic kick butt fighting skills. His talents are put to the test again when his rivals (a group of baddies who support the Emperor), and the black mysterious Crow like dude, have a final massive showdown. Stay away unless your in Lesbians with Tony Jaa.

Channels: Fights  

Tags: Film  Ong  Bak  tony  jaa  2010  movie 


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