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Camaro Fights Mustang and Challenger - Muscle Car Comparison


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Added on Aug 27, 2010

Length: 04:17 | Comments: 0

MORE MUSCLE CAR MADNESS @ INSIDELINE.COM: www.edmunds.com In 2002, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second human being to set foot on the moon, punched a guy in the face for accusing him of faking the moon landing. Buzz was 72 years old at the time. Go right ahead and question the existence of the 2010 Ford Mustang GT, 2009 Dodge Challenger R/T and 2010 Chevy Camaro SS and they, too, might just give you a knuckle sandwich in the kisser. Like Mr. Aldrin, they bear names from long ago that have made a collective return to the limelight. Like Mr. Aldrin, they are American heroes with unparalleled legacies reaching across decades. And like Mr. Aldrin, they have Ph.Ds in kicking ass. Their makers may have proven that they have the financial acumen of a blind yak. However, we submit these pony car icons as proof that the home team can extract their craniums from their nether regions once in awhile and knock the cover off the ball.

Channels: Fights  

Tags: Autos  Chevrolet  Chevy  Camaro  Ford  Mustang  Dodge  Challenger  Muscle  Car  Comparison  auto  motor  edmunds  Inside  Line 


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