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YouTube Fights Homelessness With InvisiblePeopletv


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Added on Aug 27, 2010

Length: 02:55 | Comments: 0

This is the day when the YouTube community spreads the word on what it's like to be homeless -- and how together we can help effect real change for people with no where else to turn. In this video Mark Horvath, founder of InvisiblePeople.tv rips through the numbers: - 50% of the homeless population are women and children. - 39% are kids under the age of 18 - more than a million foreclosures are expected this year There is a "perfect storm of homelessness" coming. Soon! So let's start now. Share this video with your friends. Share one or two or ten of the videos on this page with your coworkers and neighbors. Spread the word. Fight poverty. End homelessness. Make the invisible visible. Everyone on the streets has their own story, some made bad decisions, others were victims, but none of them deserve what they have been left with, and it is a reflection of our own society that we just leave them there. Please always remember, the homeless people you'll ignore today were much like you not so long ago. References: homelessness.change.org news.yahoo.com // more stories invisiblepeople.tv follow twitter.com // my other blog hardlynormal.com

Channels: Fights  

Tags: Nonprofit  poverty  invisible  people  social  media 


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