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Lady Gaga Bad Romance parody feat Lord Gaga 6


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Added on Aug 23, 2010

Length: 02:30 | Comments: 0

Before Lord and Lady Gaga parted ways, citing creative differences, they made this video together. CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE SONGS OF AWESOME! The Key of Awesome (Deluxe Edition) itunes.apple.com California Gurls (They're Unreliable) Single itunes.apple.com Nervous Guy Single itunes.apple.com Tron Girl Single itunes.apple.com Afraid (Eminem Parody) Single itunes.apple.com -- The video Lady Gaga doesn't want you to see. Written by Mark Douglas Music by Jake Chudnow Directed by Tom Small Lyrics: Lady Gaga and Lord Gaga Lady Gaga and Lord Gaga Lady: Its the future and everything is weird. Check out this guy, hes got a metal beard. I give good headache, I'll make you scream. Is this reality or just a fever dream? I like to jerk and twitch this is how I dance. Its cold in here may I please put on some pants? NOOO! Lord: Chic freak sista fierce work those bitchy gams Those were just some words that only gay men understand. Lord and Lady: Bla bla bla hoo hoo he Everybody look at me. Random stuff random stuff Tell me have you had enough? Chorus: If I love you and you love me, then baby how can we go wrong? This chorus doesnt have anything to do with the rest of the song. Lord: Completely unrelated Im Lady Gaga and Im Lord Gaga Lord and Lady: Sometimes we like to sing like we are underwataah. Lord: You think your weird girl, but Im weirder than you. Let me tell of the weird things that I like to do. Lord: Yesterday I went to church and made out with a nun Then I went up to the ...

Channels: Music  

Tags: Shows  ladygaga  badromance  Papparazzi  pokerface  justdance  Beyonce  song  musicvideo  videophone  liveleak  lordgaga  barelydigital  keyawesome  comedy  laurenfrancesca  funnyvideos 


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