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Starry Eyed Surprise


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Added on Aug 22, 2010

Length: 01:14 | Comments: 0

Back again with more web cam magic... thought it'd be kinda neat to slow down the video and goof around with some new (at least new for me) editing effects. Coincidentally enough, the original routine is called "Starry Eyed Surprise II" by Oz Pearlman, and the background music is "Starry Eyed Surprise" by Paul Oakenfold; both great artists in their own respect. Being a content creator has never been so much fun... hope you all enjoy! Thanks for watching... stay tuned for more.

Channels: College  

Tags: Entertainment  starry  eyed  surprise  sammy  hong  magic  card  trick  illusion  criss  angel  oz  pearlman  blaine  sammyhong  oakenfold 


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