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Longest Video Ever On YouTube


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Added on Aug 20, 2010

Length: 279:38 | Comments: 0

*IMPORTANT Click More* So, I finally did it - I managed to film over 10+ hours of continuous footage. Why? To be responsible for making the longest video on YouTube! Please RATE it high (5 stars) and leave lots of comments so we can get this on all the YouTube Charts!! Download on iTunes FREE! http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=267907220 Oh yeah, while this video was filming we ended up making the video "Man With Women Feet" that I posted earlier - you can watch the final version here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOZVfu_NZ4c Be sure to go to http://www.charlestrippy.com - I update it all the time, it's fun! Do it :) Plus I wrote a little more about how and why I made this stupid video haha take care! charles ***UPDATE*** Yeah, you knew it was coming - Here is the SHORTEST VIDEO EVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uDgJ9_H0gg I know if you shuffle through the video it stops half way on the youtube player. This is because the video is so long, the youtube player has a brain fart and messes up. The only way to get through it all is watch it hahaha

Channels: Stupid Video  

Tags: Entertainment  charlestrippy  charles  trippy  the  longest  video  ever  on  youtube  college  hot  sexy  hidden  camera  big  takeover  films 


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