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Timbox on his interests inspirations influences and politics


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Added on Aug 20, 2010

Length: 02:56 | Comments: 0

You know, even though Dexter's Laboratory and James Cameron's Avatar are two different things, Avatar is a movie, and Dexter's Lab is a cartoon TV Show, Both things do more than turn me on, everyone. They interested me. And more than the sight of both things, I love the sound of both things. The sights and sounds of big, 10-foot-tall blue-skinned Indians (that is the Na'vi)...as well as that loud, little red-headed boy genius (Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory)...his stupid bean-poled blonde-headed ballerina tutu-wearing sister (Dee Dee) on the loose in his giant top secret 'la-bor-a-tory'...and most importantly, her two best friends (Lee Lee and Mee Mee)...Tell everyone now!!! Condone plans and invitations to see (or watch) Dexter's Laboratory (on DVD) and James Cameron's AVATAR (with an extra 8 minutes added to the actual movie or so) again and again!!! Advocate my my adventures! Share my interests!!! Dexter's Laboratory, Dexter himself, his sister, Dee Dee, her two best friends, Lee Lee and Mee Mee, dinosaurs, James Cameron's AVATAR, and especially, the Na'vi in that movie!!! Things like those!!! They're my interest!!! They're my inspirations!!! They're my influences!!! They're my politics!!! They're my life!!!

Channels: Stupid Video  

Tags: Entertainment  timbox  home  room  dexter  dexters  lab  laboratory  cartoon  network  cn  cartoonnetwork  dee  deedee  lee  leelee  mee  meemee  james  camerons  avatar  navi  movie  tv  show  interests  inspiration  influences  politics  life  speech  rant 


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