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Tough Luck 5


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Added on Aug 20, 2010

Length: 00:14 | Comments: 0

2/??? I love my eager beavers! x] ____________________________ Demi: *slaps him* Don't touch me! Joe: *rubs his cheek* OWW!! Demi: *sticks her tongue out* Joe: *licks her tongue* Demi: *disgusted* EWW!! *wipes her tongue with the edge of her shirt* Joe: *checks out her stomach* Mhm. Demi: *puts her shirt down and slaps him again* Don't even think about it! *backs away from him and trips backwards into the rain* Joe: *laughs* That's what you get! Demi: *rolls her eyes* Laugh all you want Jonas. What goes around comes around! Joe: *keeps laughing* Demi: *getting agitated* It's not funny!! Joe: *ROFL* Demi: UGH! *stands up and gets in her car* Joe: *calms down and runs to her car window* Where are you going? Demi: (Woah...he actually looks...sexy. WTF is wrong with me?!) *snaps out of it* Where you should be going: school. Joe: Why don't you like being with me? I like being with you. Demi: *sarcasm* Really? I wonder why. *pulls out of his driveway* Joe: OWW!! *holds his foot* WTF WAS THAT FOR?! Demi: *laughs as she drives off* Joe: UGH! *hops back inside* ---7pm Demi's house--- Demi: *comes out of the bathroom* What about this one? {A/N: Dress - www.google.com } Selena: *smiles* Perfect! Demi: *hugs her* Thanks Sel! Selena: Your welcome Demz. Now that your done getting dressed, are you going to tell me what happened? Demi: What are you talking about? Selena: Oh you know what I'm talking about. Care to explain why Joe was hopping around the house complaining about his foot ...

Channels: Stupid Video  

Tags: Entertainment  Demi  Lovato  Joe  Jonas  Jemi  Tough  Luck  jemijonaslover  jemijonaslover1 


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