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Scarlett and Drew- A Love Story Episode 12


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Added on Aug 20, 2010

Length: 01:6 | Comments: 0

Drew: Hello, Beautiful. Scarlett: (Blushing) Hello, Handsome. -I greeted him with a quick kiss as he held his car door open for me- Drew: So, what's wrong with your sister? I'm not trying to butt in, honest. I'm just concerned. Scarlett: Drew, don't worry. I'll tell you everything you want to know. Well, she has a fractured ankle, two broken ribs and a bruised arm... Drew: Oh. I hope she's alright... Scarlett: She'll be fine. She's always been a fighter. -I looked down and smiled- Drew: You have the most beautiful smile, you know that? Scarlett: Thanks, and No, I did not know that *Laughs* Drew: You want me to turn on the radio? Scarlett: Uh, sure... Drew: I love this song! Scarlett: Seriously? I didn't think you'd be a Paramore fan! Drew: Who isn't a Paramore fan? Haha. Scarlett: You make a valid point, haha. -Then he started to sing along and Oh My God, his voice is made me want to melt- Scarlett: You have the voice of an angel, you know that? Drew: Thanks and No, I did not know that *Laughs* Scarlett: You kinda sound like Justin Bieber. I know, I know, go on about how he has the voice of a six year old girl... Drew: I'm not like that. I'm actually quite a big fan, I really don't know why people hate on him because of stupid things like his voice. His voice might be a little high, but he's amazingly talented and I personally don't think he deserves all that hate... Scarlett: Wow. You're the first guy that's ever said that. And I admire you for that. I don't even know ...

Channels: Stupid Video  

Tags: Entertainment  sorry  for  the  wait  ppllmmkk13  love  story  taylor  lautner  jesse  mccartney  brittannee  drexel  megan  fox  romance  series  stephanie  rhodes  alicia  witt  julianne  hough  dakota  fanning  peter  facinelli  scarlett  heath  drew  tiffany  waitress 


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