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Funny DUI


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Added on Aug 19, 2010

Length: 01:24 | Comments: 0

iTunes: tinyurl.com Amazon MP3: tinyurl.com ..... You can also get this song for FREE on youtube audioswap -- watch this video to learn how: www.youtube.com Artist: 009 Sound System Song: With A Spirit Length: 09:58 lyrics: you can be whatever u want when you're high walk slowly with a spirit by your side (oh baby) don't fear if u lose your mind say how u doin' boy i'm feelin' fine ... when somethin' carries me away... hey hey hey hey.... - don't think just take a ride don't believe that jesus lied to keep us all so satisfied with a sale u should know baby don't feel the thorny nights never ask for holy rites don't ya think that god has died this time - and don't stop takin' these drugs cuz' they got u flyin' forgettin' yesterday maybe it's crazy but keep gettin' stoned while u can baby in the lord's hands - don't say u know what's right don't take those alibis don't hate the other side when they're right sure they are baby don't wave your flag up high don't praise your concubines did u just fall for lies this time

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Comedy  Drunk  DUI  Police  Funny  Hilarious  Cop  head  bang  fat  guy  hole  in  the  wall 


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