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Star Wars according to a 3 year old


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Added on Aug 19, 2010

Length: 01:30 | Comments: 0

02/26/08 Update: Wow. What was expected to be a short movie that would circulate within a small circle of friends has turned into something much more very quickly. I'm thrilled that so many people have enjoyed this video but also somewhat mortified that I added this without my daughter's knowledge or consent. Maybe someday she will find some humor in it. Comments: Have been disabled. I think they have run their course. To those who have sent positive comments, thank you very much. You've made us appreciate what we have even more than we already do. To those of you who've said you've changed your mind about having children, well, have at it. :) Business inquiries/agents: Thanks for your interest. At the current time we have no intention of exposing our little one to the destroyer of youth that is the entertainment industry (with the exception of Star Wars, heh). Hopefully if she chooses to follow this path on her own someday she will find a door still open for her. Other things: She has never seen Pokemon so I don't think she's making a reference to the ball on that show. I think she just means pokey ball as in "a ball that is pokey." (And yes, I know what the pokey balls really are! Stop emailing :) ) Three year olds can't read. I'm sure there are exceptions to that rule. ------------------------------------- Here is my daughter, age 3, explaining the plot of Star Wars Episode IV. She explained the whole movie to me in much greater detail but unfortunately I didn't have ...

Channels: Funny  

Tags: People  star  wars  according  to  child  year  old  explaining  plot  kid  in  one  minute 


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