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Paul Potts Semi Final winning performance High Quality 169 widescreen


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Added on Aug 19, 2010

Length: 06:12 | Comments: 0

Paul Potts' debut CD "One Chance" is now available, in stores in the US, Europe and around the world or on line. Paul's official websites are: sonybmg.co.uk Official Website:- www.paulpottsuk.com Official myspace:- www.myspace.com Paul Potts has won the final of this competition and ins £100000 and will perform at the Royal Variety Performance. Check out their website at: talent.itv.com Paul Potts semi final winning performance in UK talent show "Britain's Got Talent", broadcast on ITV 1. Click here for interview with Observer tinyurl.com Best of luck to him in the live final on Sunday. Please don't bother making shallow superficial remarks - it ain't clever, funny or interesting. Offensive remarks will be removed, as will ones promoting websites or services. For all those that seem to think Paul is a pro in disguise, please realise the following. (or maybe just unfamiliar with what an opera singer or opera company is). - Bath Opera is an amateur opera company staging a small number of productions a few times each year. - Paul has performed in just 4 four productions with this company - Paul has attended some masterclasses in Italy. These courses are designed for talented amateurs. All of these are paid for by those attending. - A few masterclasses, even one with the great man do not constitute "a formal opera training" by any stretch of the imagination. - Professional opera singers earn their living by treading the boards night after night week-in week-out, year after ...

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Music  paul  potts  opera  britains  got  talent  semi  final  simon  cowell  itv  time  to  say  goodbye  16:9  wide  screen  widescreen 


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