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Invinceable - Popcorn


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Added on Jul 20, 2011

Length: 03:21 | Comments: 0

New 2011 music video by Invinceable performing Popcorn. Invinceable comes from same camp who started "Above The Law" career known from Eazy E\'s Ruthless Records. Produced by Don Coda and mixed by Battlecat known for his work with Snoop Dogg. Popcorn now in rotation on KDUC 94.3 FM in Barstow, KGGI 99.1 FM in Riverside, KPTR in Atlanta, CIXX-FM 106.9, WDNT Power 104, KTMR True Music Radio, IUMM Radio. Also, in the mix at KSFM in Sacramento, KAGM in Albuquerque, KDON in Monterey, KWIN in Stockton, KZFM in Corpus Christi, KPAT in Santa Maria. Popcorn available for downloading on iTunes @ http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/popcorn-single/id435557514 To become a fan on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/oginvinceable, follow on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/oginvinceable

Channels: Music   College    

Tags: Invinceable  Popcorn  Video  dance  women  city  country  black  white  hot  official  song  new  2011  Nicki  Minaj 


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