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LeE HARVeY OsMOND-Oh Great Provider-Brent Titcomb


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:38 | Comments: 0

latentrecordings.com latentrecordings.com latentrecordings.com Brent Titcomb. Singer-songwriter, guitarist, percussionist, actor, b Vancouver 10 Aug 1940. He began his career in Vancouver in 1963, combining traditional folk material with the flair for comedy that has remained an integral element of his performances. He was a founder and, 1964-8, member of Three's A Crowd, then pursued a solo career as a folk singer, appearing over the next 20 years in clubs and at festivals in Canada (including the Festival of Friends, Hamilton, Ont, annually beginning in 1976), the USA and, in 1983, Mexico. He also performed thrice in the 1970s with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. Keywords Guitarists/Banjo Players Titcomb's early songs, which date to the late 1960s, included 'Sing High, Sing Low' and 'I Wish the Very Best for You,' both recorded by Anne Murray, the former a country music hit in 1971. His songs have also been recorded by Murray with Glen Campbell ('Bring Back the Love'), Ed Bruce, Lyn Dee, Tommy Graham, Bill Hughes, and Karen Jones. Titcomb himself has made the contemporary folk LP May All Beings Be Happy (1977, Manohar MR 100) and the pop album Time Traveller (1982, Stony Plain 1039) and has sung and/or played (percussion, harmonica, guitar) on albums by Murray (as a member of her touring band, Richard), John Allan Cameron, Bruce Cockburn, George Hamilton IV, Noel Harrison, Gene MacLellan, and others. Titcomb began working occasionally in the mid-1970s as an actor in ...

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Tags: Music  lee  harvey  osmond  festival  of  friends  tom  wilson  blackie  and  the  rodeo  kings  gord  downey  brent  titcomb  bruce  cockburn  springsteen  maple  music  canada 


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